Effective April 1, 2017,
Air Canada will enforce a $50 fee for agencies who has not inserted the OSI field for schedule changes and irregular operations.
Currently, Refund Services have not enforced the $50 fee as stated in the current policy, but will begin doing so as an increasing number of agencies are not filling in the required OSI field.
To avoid the $50 fee:
When an itinerary has been cancelled by Air Canada because of a schedule change or irregular operation, please insert and secure that the cancelled flight number, date, origin and destination are included in the OSI field of the PNR prior to processing the refund.
Ie. please insert i PNR: OSI AC883/17JUN/CPHYYZ (example)
In Endorsement Box insert when AC is operating carrier: INVOL DUE SKCH ACP672797
For OAL and AJV partners please call Air Canada Help Desk.
For more information about schedule changes read more and further information about irregular operations read more here.